In the Spring Jeremiah and I began looking for a house. I'm going to be honest. I am extremely picky and very cheap. I knew what I wanted and how much I would spend. In early June, we found the perfect house. It was only a mile from our current dwelling, near the bike trail, it had a pool, and enough room to spread out a bit.

I put in a bid. After about a week, in late June, the owners accepted the bid. In early July, we found out the first bank accepted the bid. In mid-July, we found out that the second bank accepted the bid as well. In August, we waited. At the end of August, we were told the closing date would be September 25. We had the inspection and appraisal (the house appraised for $20,000 more than my bid - Yay!). We waited. The 25th came. It went. No house. I signed papers the following Tuesday and we were to get the keys on Friday. No keys. No house. In fact, I found out the next week that I would have to resign all the papers. They had to file for an extension. If you are keeping track, it is now the first week of October. Then the second week. I resigned. Still thinking something else would go wrong. Got a late night call from the mortgage guy. He needed more papers signed and faxed back to him. More waiting. Finally, on Wednesday, October 14, we got the house! This is the first post of many to document our new home - my first time as a homeowner.
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