Jeremiah had promised me that he would build a stand for the washer and dryer. While I was away, there was some work gettin' did! Jeremiah and his dad built the fantastic stand that is pictured below. I was completely impressed and it is better than I could have imagined. I'd like to give credit where it's due, but both of the guys were doing this - "Well, he actually did most of the work." in gruff man voices. I do know that Jeremiah's dad painted it and even filled in the little screw/nail? spots with the white putty stuff to give it an even nicer finish. So thank you, Frank!

The total price came to about $70, which included some sort of new saw blade or something. The cost of the stands that are sold with the washer and dryer run between $400 - $500.

p.s. I plan on finding some stout little storage containers to hold goodies underneath.
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