Atticus is truly my dog. Any opportunity to ham it up, he goes for it. Yes, they are in matching fleece-lined, reflective striped, water-resistant jackets. No, I am not ashamed.

I can't take credit for the pictures. Le boyfriend did the photography.

Atticus enjoying the sunshine...

...and squeeeenting because the sun eez so bright, you know?

I think Jer did a great job with this shot. It allows you to see Spike in all of his low-riding glory. And yes, they also having matching sweaters for days when they just need something light.
p.s. This morning Jer left early for work. He let the dogs back into the bedroom and Spike got comfy right next to me. Atticus just kept hopping all over the bed. Hop. Hop Hop. Hop. Hop. Then, THUD. He fell off the bed. I laugh just thinking about it.
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