As I mentioned earlier, we took a day trip up to Jerome. Jerome was a booming mining town in the 1800s and early 1900s. The company that mined made something like 60,000,000 in mining! Holy crap. Anyway, the men got lonely so they had lots of saloons and lots of working women (if you know what I mean). The town is very cool. We are early birds, so we left...early. And by the way - if one were ever to take a trip to Jerome, I recommend going EARLY because the people start to roll in around noon and it gets super over the top touristy. And who wants that?
We stopped at Dunkin' Donuts, which was a true bummer. I only get doughnuts on roadtrips and these doughnuts were not worthy. So sad. I miss Wesco.
Anyway, let's get on with the pictures!
Here we are heading north of PHX.

Some saguaros, which take my breath away. EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.

Heading through the mountain...

...Reaching the top.

Beautiful clouds.

Boyfriend. Driving.


I thought this one was cool. Clouds + Jerome = Happy Emily

It started to get twisty and turn-y and I started getting nervous and there was NO sort of guardrail. So I focused on the clouds instead.

I just like this.


Waiting for our turn at a one lane part of the road.

Fence in Jerome.

I like this one, too!

And finally, Jerome, city in the mountain!

Anyone else planning any fun trips?
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