

I'm pleased to introduce to you the newest (and apparently the last) member of our family.

 Meet Mademoiselle:

 Holy crap. She's beautiful, right?!
 It's NOT my fault. The Arizona Humane Society was having a kitty crisis and they were actually forced to start giving them away. I'd wanted two this time around anyway, and was planning on getting a second one after I got Mel.
 I got a kitty because I figured that way Mel might feel like she was still the Queen Bee.
So that's Maddie. She's a stinker, for sure. Spike thinks that kitty belongs to him (as in his baby, not as in his beeotch). Mel is finally adjusting and putting Maddie in her place. And Atticus...Atticus is confused, because he thought he was the baby.

p.s. Did I ever show you these chairs? I got a set of them at Goodwill for a super great price. I am not keeping the reversible cushions. I've already got new ones. The chairs are probably going to get a paint job. I can see Frank shaking his head now...

p.p.s. We had this conversation as I paid for Maddie (I gave a nice donation in lieu of buying her.):
J: So this is it. Last one.
E:Yep. I'm done.
E:Promise....but what if -
J: No.
E:But -
E:I mean, just -
E:Ugh. All right.

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