
Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that everyone is having (or had) a fantastic Thanksgiving. For sure, we did. And while I know that it is just the two of us, I still wanted to set up a table. Like this:
I used the tea lights that I got on clearance with the little glasses from Salvation Army. I added some pine cones (on clearance last year), plus plates from Sal. Army. The pumpkins are from...Walmart (!) 75% off a few weeks ago. The burlap runner is left over from the drum shade.

I really wanted brown place mats but didn't have any, so I grabbed two sheets of scrapbook paper instead.
Whaddya think??
We liked it and it felt nice to make something special even though it was just dinner for two. Dinner was terrific, too.

How was everyone else's Thanksgiving?

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